10.000 Waters, Version 1. Performance: evaporating 10.000 drops of water, 2015. II Festival de Performance, Des Pacio, San José, Costa Rica, 2017. Escala Humana, Des Pacio, San José, Costa Rica, 2015.
This second version of the performance 10,000 Waters continues with the idea of creating a non traditional portrait of my aunt Viola Chen whose name in mandarin means ten thousand waters. The ritual in the first performance transforms into a more ephemeral one which consists in evaporating ten thousand drops of water. The action is a representation of who she is through the meaning of her name.
The duration of the performance (approximately 6 hours) can also be related to the time in which we were not able to see each other (13 years). The portrait also embodies the way in which my family relationships have been reigned by memory and distance. The repetition of the dropping the water by me generated a space where reflection and a state of trance were predominant over reason and knowledge, this can be traced to the traditions and rituals practiced by my family to venerate our ancestors.